Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Everything Easter

The EASTER Bunny is coming to town...So let's hop to it and take a look at some cute and creative Easter themed ideas and images...

Here is an Easter "bucket." I prefer a bucket to a basket, because I think they are more practical and durable. Once the Easter egg hunt is over the bucket could be used in a child's room for storage, in a playroom or craft room or even for outdoor play. Love that they added the ribbon to the handle! 
Pink and green-the BEST combo :)

This cake couldn't be cuter!

One of my FAVORITE types of flowers...Ranunuculus-similar to a peony, but a lot more budget friendly! Small, delicate, and layered-these babies are elegant and feminine. 

Look at these cute little bunnies! What a creative idea...who knew empty toliet paper/paper towel rolls could be so useful-talk about recycling :) This is simple and cheap craft that every kid is sure to enjoy. All you need is the paper rolls, some washable paint, felt or construction paper, and makers. If you wanna go all out, get "googly" eyes, and pipe cleaners for the whiskers...whatever you heart desires. 

This is also a creative idea. Turn those rainy days into something beautiful. Take a old umbrella in fill it will flowers. You can stuff the bottom of the umbrella with newspaper to make it look more full and top it off with greenery and and bunches of colorful flowers.

I never thought of doing anything other with "Peeps, and jelly beans" except eating them...Although, I don't like the taste of them-they sure are adorable. What a great idea to place them in a vase. This would make a perfect centerpiece for any Easter brunch! I think I'm gonna try this one out :)  Being on my pre-wedding diet-this is a good way to get rid of my candy without eating it!!!

Glitter eggs are glamourous! If you want to make Easter a little fancier this year-add a little sparkle to your easter bucket, basket, or table arrangement. Although, beware whenever glitter is involved it will probably be a bit of a messy process to make and the glitter tends to get on everything it touches!

I never would have even thought of's napkin art! Love the idea-altough it probably takes some time and skill to accomplish. It's a great alternative if you can't get fresh flowers. It will definitely add a little "pretty" to your table. It looks like you just stuff a green napkin in a glass and blouse it out over the edges. Then, take a pink napkin (or whatever color you want your flower to be) and roll it into a rose shape. Next, gently place the rose shaped napkin in the center. 

A "Bird's Nest" Treat!
This is the perfect dessert to bring to an Easter gathering. Easy to make, pretty, and so fitting for the occasion. 

Below are two of my favorite things: Tulips and Grosgrain Ribbon=LOVE

Happy Easter Everyone! Hope you have a wonderful holiday with friends and family and that the Easter bunny treats you well, too!


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